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Senthil shares insights on the U.S. eCommerce market during joint-webinar with Amazon on "Introduction to Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Janio Asia's Service Offerings"

Written by
Julia Florensia Lisalim
Published on
March 21, 2022
Updated on
June 20, 2023

Thursday, 17th March 2022 – Janio’s Group Head of Commercial, Senthil Kumar, spoke during the joint-webinar with Amazon to share his insights on the US eCommerce market outlook and how Janio can help Amazon sellers expand their reach into the US marketplace.

Moderated by Reen W from Amazon, the webinar aimed to help eCommerce merchants on Amazon optimize their business processes through Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and get an eCommerce foothold in the United States.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), as explained by Reen, is a full scale service that helps Amazon merchants to handle the delivery process from start to finish. Through this, they are able to save on fulfillment costs by enjoying free delivery on eligible orders, improve store performance, enjoy better conversion rates by gaining access to Amazon’s customer service, and reach new customers.

Reen also shared that SMEs that use FBA have doubled their export sales, especially during the peak holiday season such as Amazon Prime Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and more.

For instance, one of the biggest sales of the year is the Amazon Prime Day – where all products are on discount, but focus tends to be on gadgets, highly discounted and high volume merchandise.

Thus, to better prepare for the peak season, Reen recommended planning ahead (at least 10 to 12 weeks in advance) to ensure there are enough stocks to meet the demand, as well as to optimize the pricing, product pages and listing details.

Janio is proud to be one of the courier partners for Amazon to help facilitate fulfillment processes and enable eCommerce sellers in Southeast Asia to further expand their business overseas.

In terms of shipment to the US, Senthil mentioned that Janio has a robust and hybrid solution for eCommerce merchants with reasonable lead time and competitive pricing. “We have a flexible range of delivery options which encompasses lightweight to midweight deliveries, as well as air and sea freight. And these are customizable according to the business requirements.”

During the webinar, Senthil also shared some interesting outlook and statistics on cross-border eCommerce purchase in the US, which is primarily useful for merchants who are looking to expand into the US marketplace via Amazon. For example, the US has a higher de minimis value threshold which encourages higher import and cross-border transactions. What this also means is that there is a huge market opportunity for eCommerce merchants to tap on as people are more enticed to make purchases online.

Janio would like to thank Amazon again for the opportunity to host this joint-webinar together. If you are keen to find out more about our cross-border delivery services to the US or would like to work together with us, do reach out to us via our contact page!